Sunday, 18 September 2011

Happily Ever After

I don't remember how long I was there, but the sun shone brightly and provided great lighting for groups of excited girls, taking photos to edit and upload onto Facebook. The girls around me wore short skirts and 'bum shorts'(the ones that expose the bottom of your bum cheeks), showing off their cautiously waxed/shaved shimmering legs. The boys of course assumed their positions like vultures, waiting for already defeated prey ie. the girls who easily gave numbers and seemed easy to get past. The raging teenage hormones were nearly pulpable in the atmosphere, and there was a buzz about the place.

My friends and I felt sick, put off by the ill mannered, forward boys our age who showed no respect for girls.
We sat down on a random spot on the heated stone ground in frustration, and were silent for a few seconds, marvelling mentally at the poor state of our generation's self respect and proirities. The noise gradually grew louder, with laughter and shouting of people's names as we sat, quietly, a group of three girls in the middle of the chaos.
A few derogatory names, profane words were thrown around playfully, as if everything was normal.

When the youth is striving to look older, and our elders are working hard to look younger, surely somewhere in the middle things go wrong. Young girls are led on by older guys, young boys are fooled into thinking that premarital sex is mandatory to retain 'cool' status. If no-one is happy with who, what or how old they are, when will we be completely comfortable and practical in our thinking and actions.

Is the rate of divorces going to increase with time as we look to marry the more good-looking, less undesirable people, where social and financial security are more important than love, values and working together to improve one another. I want to marry Prince Charming, whatever colour or nationality God's made him to be, but I fear that by then I would have been programmed to look at the appearance of people rather than the condition of their hearts.

Help us Jesus, to be accepting of people from all walks of life.
Help us to love unconditinally, to be better people to make our world a better place.
King, help us to be less materialistic, for people to see less of us and more of You, in everything we do.
Teach us to work less to be loved by You, because we know it is only by grace.
Show us how to love You for who You are and not just what You can do for us.
Help us work toward our happily ever after-s with an eternal mind set, looking beyond the grave.

My Happily Ever After is with You.
Thank You God for loving me first.

Wednesday, 7 September 2011

Because the World Says So

'Unmotivated, lazy, unwilling, low standards, self-absorbed and spoon fed.'
If any adult told me I was any of the above, I would, without thinking, retaliate and blame their generation for being 'easy on us' and practising forceless discipline.

Beautiful, loving, mature, kind, serene, positive and well dressed- always.
Anyone paying me compliments of the kind above, would immediately be my favourite. A person I love to love, because I receive love in return.

See, teens my age and adults alike have been brainwashed into self-serving, gluttonous hoarders, one way or another. Nobody(not the world, governments, parents, children, the church for show and the poor) wants to hear the cold truth if it means making them feel any less 'good' than they think of themselves. People who give of themselves only when it feels good and suits them, as long as it is not beyond our comfort zones.

'But why?' the poor ask. Why can't the world see past its own realities, why can't it face or speak the absolute truth. How is it that we are so fast to defend matters and acts that any average person would know not to. When can we speak the truth and not offend anyone.
Are we sincerely satisfied with sugar-coated lies, dumbed down education and ignorance to the things happening to people in countries with power hungry leaders?
How is it, that the gap between rich and poor is increasing, with the rich only getting wealthier and the poor, dying slowly of starvation and disease.

Society gives respect to two different extremes of people: The multimillionare businessmen and women, and noble hearted philanthropists either rich or poor. Anything in between is not enough, so we find middle class families and individuals working hard to die rich or give of everything they have to receive greater rewards in heaven.

We're living in a broken world and so many people are hungry for change, and as cliche as it is, the change begins with you and me. If we put less value on wealth and materialistic things, there'll be better distribution of wealth amongst the world; less severity of wars between leaders with their countries over unfair taxes going into back-pockets of state departments; less human trafficking of women and children, forced into sex slavery and illegal labour; less crime because lower income bracket fitting individuals don't feel left out of something important; less carbon emissions; less people missing out on an eternity spent in heaven because of self-sufficiency.

But all of the above is just a naive 15year old's dream, and maybe, just maybe, someday it will all see itself coming true.